Investigating the big COMMA…
This year we’re delving into the Nicene Creed and zooming in on that bit between the birth and the death of Jesus - His Life!
We’ve got a line-up of inspiring talks, a range of interactive seminars, and space to experience and engage in worship and prayer in different and exciting ways.
With main meetings and a whole bunch of different seminars happening across the weekend, Maycamp offers young people the chance to encounter God, explore Christianity, ask the difficult questions, worship and pray.
Think giant inflatables and ridiculous challenges! There’s something for everyone with a huge range of creative workshops, sports and games – whether that’s woodwork, makeup, football, or just grabbing a milkshake in the awesome themed café.
Maycamp is an incredible opportunity to build relationships in your youth group and with the wider Maycamp family - from bonding over the campsite washing up rota, to having deep at meaningful conversations at late-night worship.
MayCamp is a community that's safe for our young people, with leaders who understand everyone is on their own journey. Whether it’s learning Jesus's name for the first time, or confirming the faith as their own - MayCamp is the best way to introduce your youth to Christ.
- Lee Buck, Horsham & NEWICK Youth Worker
You can add more tickets at any time by purchasing more through the online booking page.
There are no refunds for Early Bird tickets, but if there's a problem that means a young person can no longer make it, we can certainly arrange a refund of a full price ticket. Please contact youth@chichester.anglican.org to liaise on ticket refunds.
The Maycamp team are NOT responsible for your group, your group leaders are responsible for the young people that you bring along to the event. You should know where your young people are at all times during Maycamp. Your group leaders are responsible for collecting medical information and consent forms. It is your group leader that has responsibility for the safety of the young people in your group. We do what we can to keep the site secure and safe. Maycamp site risk assessments can be downloaded in advance to help with your own preparations.
Camp with your group
Encourage people to stay in groups
Don't be afraid to set rules
Eat together
Make sure your group knows how to contact you
Come to the main meetings with your group and set an example
Make time to feedback with your group about topics from main meetings and seminars
Get involved with sports and activities with your group
Make time to speak to everyone in your group every day
The weekend is a great opportunity for you to be really intentional about the discipleship journey your young people are going on. It is a great time to build friendships and develop purposeful relationships. Take the opportunities as they come up. Use the group time slots in the programme to have group discussions. Lay on hot chocolate and cake for young people before bed in the evening. Think about how you can follow up from Maycamp when you get back home. Maycamp can be a great catalyst to anything from a good conversation to the start of a life long relationship with Jesus. The hard part starts when you get home, continuing to nurture and encourage these young people.
Please remember the part that you as a group leader need to play in the Health and Safety of the event. It is the responsibility of the group leader to ensure that at least one adult in the group has a current First Aid Certificate and it is their responsibility to deal with all MINOR injuries in the first instance. All groups must have a complete first aid kit and injury recording book.
Maycamp programme starts on Friday at 18:00 with a hog roast with the main welcome session kicking off at 20:30. There is no restriction on when you can arrive on the Friday but most people start to arrive from 4pm. Info Point is open from 4pm - 6.30pm for Registration.
Yes. You are more than welcome to come and set up on Thursday but please remember there are still lots of people coming and going between Thursday night and the start of the event on Friday. Maycamp cannot take any responsibility for belongings left on site.
We don't provide any accommodation, everyone needs to bring something to sleep in. Ideally a tent, caravan, trailer tent etc... your group leader should have been sent a form to submit to us what tents you will be bringing. We need to know this information so that we can give you enough space to set up camp as a group.
There is a brick building on site which has a ladies and a gents toilet block with showers too. There is a separate shower block for over 18s which will be sign posted on site.
There are a few things for sale over the weekend.
Hoodies, although if you want a hoodie we recommend you order it in advance to make sure you can have the size and colour that you want.
The Maycamp Cafe is open over most of the weekend and sells tuck and drinks.
We can take cash or card on site, but recommend bringing some cash for simplicity at the tuck shop.
There is parking. You can drive on site to unload on Friday - Please use hazards and drive no more than 5mph (and be aware of rogue tent pegs - tent pegs and tyres don't mix). Once you have finished unloading and setting up, cars need to be moved off site onto the site car park immediately. The car park is visible from the camp site and cars are left at your own risk. People bringing things to site over the rest of the weekend will need to head straight to the car park and walk onto site.
Site security is handled by an external security company. They operate 24 hour security for the duration of the event. This is a closed site with one open entrance during the day which is permanently guarded. All entrances are locked at night.
We know that this is just the thing you'll be most excited about! The Maycamp 2024 Risk Assessment is here, as an example, for you to take a look at and show your PCC if needed. We will update this with the 2025 one in due course.